Partnerships & Collaborations

Join forces to support peace and serve humanity


Are you an NGO supporting local community building, a university doing cutting edge research on open geospatial data or a big mapping organisation? You may be interested in partnering with UN Maps!

We are pleased to welcome contributions from the overall community in order to enhance our tools and services in support of the UN mandates. In particular, we welcome:

  • Contributions on the software side: leveraging open source technologies to improve services like routing or geocoding, OpenStreetMap data quality or history checks, tools for feature identification or assisted mapping;

  • Participation of university students in UN Maps activities, either by mapping, coding or developing academic contributions such as thesis or scientific publications;

  • Collaboration on the delivery of capacity building and community activities, especially with local communities living in the countries we are supporting.

Get in touch with our team through our contact form page. We are eager to hear more from you and what ideas you have for working together!