A place to learn OpenStreetMap
Through the UN Maps Learning Hub, UN Mappers offers a self-training platform accessible to anyone discovering the OpenStreetMap project and wishing to participate in the improvement of this free geographic database as do many thousands of contributors each month.
This platform includes a series of courses to learn the basics of OpenStreetMap, its main editors and how to map its main geographic objects, including those encountered by UN Mappers on the territories of UN Peacekeeping missions covered by the UN Maps initiative. They are released under a CC-BY-SA 2.0 free license.
These courses are independent of each other and can be accessed in any order, but beginners are advised to follow the suggested order. You can easily get started by clicking on one of the course thumbnails below.
In the future, UN Maps Learning Hub will also offer OSM mappers the opportunity to obtain a certification of their theoretical and practical skills. Obtaining the UN Mappers certificate implies both passing an evaluation test covering all the knowledge transmitted in the courses of this Moodle and fully mapping several UN Mappers project tasks in different contexts. These tasks will be reviewed by UN Mappers team who will provide feedback on improvements or complements to be made if needed.