The UN Mapper of the month - October 2022

Theresa Vieira, a retired project manager living in California, is the UN mapper of the month for October. Theresa, Tess2344 in OSM, has been contributing to UN Mappers' projects for over a year, making a valuable contribution in supporting peacekeeping missions. In mapping, she has found both a way to apply her technical skills and a way to support causes that matter to her.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
My name is Theresa Vieira and I’m a retired project manager living in California. 

How did you know about UN Mappers?
I found out about UN Mappers from the HOT tasking manager.

When do you map?
It has almost become part of my daily routine to map with my morning coffee.  

Do you enjoy mapping? Why?
A friend of mine told me about a service project she did for work with Missing Maps and I was intrigued.  I investigated and got hooked. I missed the technical part of my job and this was a way for me to do something technical as well as support great causes.

In which countries do you map the most?
I mostly map in Africa and have kind of focused on mapping roads.





Theresa Vieira